Assalamualikum & hi kepada anda yang sudi membaca tulisan saya kali ini haha. Alhamdulillah, aku rasa bersyukur sangat-sangat kerana Allah bagi nikmat untuk aku survive semester 1 di Penn State ini dengan baik. Alhamdulillah lagi, result semester 1 aku kat Penn State ni sangatlah way beyond my expectation and I'd never got this kind of result waktu KMB dulu. Jujur, waktu aku kat KMB dulu sumpah akulah budak paling bodoh and noob. Ye lah, mana ada dalam sejarah KMB budak dapat pangkat 2 dalam exam. Aku je. (By the way, pangkat 7 tu macam yang paling bagus so pangkat 1 tu paling teruklah, and aku dapat 2)
By the way, Alhamdulillah lagi sekali, aku diberi peluang untuk menerima internal scholarship dari fakulti aku which is College of Earth and Mineral Sciences iaitu The John & Elizabeth Holmes Teas Scholarship sebanyak $900 atas pencapaian semester aku yang lepas. Alhamdullilah.Since aku student ambilan Spring (Jan - May), aku ada gap cuti yang agak besar sebelum aku start semester yang seterusnya which is Fall semeseter (August - December). Gap in between Spring & Fall semester ini namanya Summer Semester. So sepanjang summer ni, aku bekerja as Part Time Student Worker & Admin support at EMS (Earth Mineral Science) undergraduate office. Kerja aku adalah uruskan incoming student untuk schedule diorang punya first semester jadual dan advising these students on what kind of classes they should enroll too. Jujur memang best and in the same time dapatlah aku kumpul duit juga hehehe sebabnya elaun bulanan MARA aku kena tolak since first sem dah duduk on campus huhu.
Okay back to our main topic. Aku sebenarnya agak dilemma sebabnya aku rasa macam banyak sangat involvement yang aku akan buat for this Fall. As for now, aku apply untuk jadi mentor for high school students to do a reserach project berkaitan environment and in the same time, aku juga kerja part time at dining hall untuk yelah tampung bayar sewa rumah bulanan juga huhu. BTW, rumah sewa aku sebulan adalah dalam $317. So kalau aku kerja let's say 10 hours per week, boleh lah aku dapat dalam $400 sebulan and lepas lah bayar rumah sewa, The problem is, in the same time I need to keep in track with my studies too.
Sebelum aku lupa, aku juga ada apply as Social Media moderator untuk kelab Geoscience jugak haha. Tapi aku tak rasa that role would be very active pun haha. Thanks to Olivia yang banyak introduce aku to many Geoscience clubs here at Penn State. So in summary these are the roles that I applied for this semester:
1) Environmentors at Penn State (Ada projek besar by the end of the semester)
I'm looking forward to this role because I really love doing research project. Aku sangat-sangat suka coming up with ideas and solutions, especially things that are related to STEM. And in the same time, mentors would get a research grand around $1500 for the research. I hope by joining this program, I could build connections with well-established professors and scientists all across the US. Mana tahu boleh jumpa potential supervisors for post-grad nanti.
2) Part Time Dining Hall Student Worker (Aku target nak kerja dalam 10 Jam a week)
3) Social Media Moderator for Geoscience Club. (Tak berapa nak berat)
Aku berdoa and really berharap yang Fall semester akan datang nanti wouldn't be too stressful and berat bagi aku sebab tak nak lah spend most of my time on studies semata-mata, nak jugak experience and kutip pengalaman by meeting these awesome new people at Penn State.
Even pengalaman aku kerja as Part Time Student worker kat undergraduate office ini pun dah terpaling best bagi aku sebab aku rapat dengan all the staffs and adviser kat office ni and in the same time I'd already established good relationships with all my faculty member juga. Don't forget that I also made lots of friends amongst freshmen student jugak since akulah yang tolong dorang susun kelas hahaha. And this job paid me well too haha.
Anyways, apa pendapat kalian tentang involvement aku for this upcoming Fall semester? Berat tak or doable? Pendapat kalian amatlah saya hargai hehe. Oh btw, kalau aku rajin nanti aku tulis blog tentang trip aku ke New York City on awal July yang lepas.
It was a 4 days and 3 nights trip and sangatlah best sebabnya all the overrated places in NYC aku dah pergi and memang puas hati gila lah. Hahahahha tahap puas hati tu sampai tak rasa nak pergi lagi ke NYC. And I would also like to share how we stay at Grand Hyatt for a very reasonable price during our stay at NYC. Bayangkanlah even kat KL pun tak mampu nak duduk Grand Hyatt and sewa OYO je mampu and tetiba kat New York duduk Grand Hyatt. Hahahahhahaha. What a pleasant memory and I would also like to share the DO's and DONT's in NYC kalau aku rajin la haha.
Inshallah 19hb nanti aku akan ikut lawatan under Penn State ke Niagara Fall pulak. Tu dah hampir sempadan Canada dah tu ahhahaha. It would be a 4 hours drive from State College. Jangan lupa tinggalkan pendapat anda tentang involvement saya tu ya! Bye and Assalamualikum dan doakan saya untuk Fall semester ini jugatau!
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